Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Participation In International Programs

MASAIE is involved in a cooperation program with Brazil. This project, funded by CAPES-COFECUB, “new methods in epidemiology and early detection of events" for 4 years, has begun in January 2011.

A. Iggidr and G. Sallet have spent 3 weeks in Brazil and M-L Penna (UFF) and M. De Souza (UFF) has visited MASAIE in 2011. This program includes Federal University Fluminense (Rio), Unicam (Caminas), UPFE (Recife) , Foundation Fiocruz (Brazilian Ministry of Health), Foundation Getulio Vargas and IMPA. A research program on dengue has been established and a common paper is under writing. The common research team is constituted half by mathematicians and computer scientist and half by public health researchers.


MASAIE has developed a cooperation with Pasteur Institute and EPLS to model Bilharzia on Senegal river basin.